The Nespresso Vertuo Plus is an at-home espresso machine that delivers high-quality coffee. With proper care and cleaning, it can last you for years.

To clean your Nespresso Vertuo Plus:

  1. Add water to the water reservoir and place a one-liter container under the spout
  2. Enter the cleaning mode and start the cleaning cycle. Let the cleaning cycle run its course.
  3. Exit cleaning mode 

By regularly cleaning the machine cleaning its accessories, your Nespresso Vertuo Plus will remain in good working order and can brew coffee that tastes great for years to come.

Engage the Cleaning Cycle

Before beginning the cleaning cycle, fill the Nespresso’s water reservoir with water and place a one-liter container under the machine’s spout to catch used water.

Do not use soap or detergent in the water reservoir to run through the machine. It will damage the machine.

You should remove the cup support attachment to ensure that your container will fit snugly under the spout and not overflow.

How to Start Cleaning Cycle on Nespresso Vertuo Plus

Running the cleaning cycle on a Nespresso Vertuo Plus is very easy: 

  1. Turn the Nespresso Vertuo Plus on
  2. Wait for the button to turn green
  3. Quickly press the button three times

The button will glow orange while the cycle is in process, which should take no more than five minutes.

Once the cycle is complete, it will stop automatically, and the button will return to green. 

How to End Cleaning Cycle on Nespresso Vertuo Plus

When the light is green again, empty the water container and replace the cup support.

Turn the machine completely off by depressing the lever for three seconds. You may also want to wipe the machine dry of water at this point.

Push the lever down two more times to fully exit the cleaning cycle, and then press the button to turn the machine back on.

Once you have turned the machine back on, the cleaning cycle will be complete.

Clean Nespresso Vertuo Plus Removable Parts

Nespresso vertuo parts soaking
Nespresso Vertuo parts soaking in hot, soapy water.

Once you’ve run the cleaning cycle, you should make sure to clean the machine’s removable parts:

  • Water tank
  • The water tank’s lid
  • Cup support
  • Spent capsule container
  • Drip drip tray

Before removing the capsule container, ensure no spent pods are in the capsule spot. All pods should be disposed of when you remove the container.

Wash each piece with hot water, dish soap, and a soft cloth or sponge. Once clean, you can dry them with a soft dry cloth or leave them on a drying rack.

Once dry, attach each piece back to the machine. 

Remember to add clean water for fresh brewing when reattaching the water tank.

How Often Should I Clean a Nespresso Vertuo Plus?

Knowing when to clean your Nespresso Vertuo Plus is essential to keep a well-working machine. 

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus should be cleaned once every three months. The water tank should be left to dry between uses. The capsule slot can be left open to prevent mold growth. 

Between uses and clean cycles, you can run a regular cycle with no pod in the capsule slot.

This will ensure that your system is flushed of any coffee grounds.

Allowing your machine to dry will help to ensure that there is no chance for mold or mildew to grow, which is vital in ensuring the long-term health of your Nespresso machine.

Regular cleaning is a quick process worth the few minutes invested to keep your machine working as it should.

How to Clean Nespresso Vertuo Plus Capsule Slot

Dirty Nespresso Vertuo capsule slot
Dirty Nespresso Vertuo capsule slot

While cleaning your Nespresso Vertuo Plus, consider doing a deeper cleaning of the capsule slot.

Running the machine’s clean cycle will thoroughly rinse the capsule slot and the coffee outlet. You should also run a cycle without a capsule after making coffee to flush the slot.

If you desire more deep cleaning, gently clean the capsule slot with a soft brush or wipe it with a soft cloth.

Don’t force the cleaning brush or cloth into the capsule slot, as this could damage the machine.

Avoid dish soap in the capsule slot, as it could seep into other parts of the Nespresso machine.

If your Nespresso Vertro Plus capsule slot needs a deeper cleaning, consider running a descaling cycle. 

Are Cleaning and Descaling the Same?

As part of your cleaning process, consider descaling the machine. Note that cleaning and descaling are not the same.

Descaling is a process that involves removing buildup by using a cleaning cycle and solution while cleaning flushes out your machine with hot water.

Buildup on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus can be caused by the naturally occurring minerals in the water. Over time, this can impact your coffee’s taste or your machine’s function.

You should only use the specialized descaling solution to clean your machine. Never use vinegar, as it may result in damage. 

Descale your machine every six months, or 600 cups of Nespresso brewed, whichever comes first.


Cleaning your Nespresso Vertuo Plus is a quick and easy process that will allow you to continue to enjoy fresh coffee at home.