As one of the leaders in brewing, Nespresso offers a large selection of coffee makers. While select Nespresso machines allow you to brew coffee from the Nespresso app, Vertuo models do not. However, you can still connect your machine to WiFi.

Connecting your Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi allows you to track different functions of your Nespresso machine and related factors. These include:

  • Factory resets
  • Updates and alerts
  • Problems with the coffee maker machine

Why Connect the Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi?

The Nespresso Vertuo Next has WiFi capabilities, meaning you can connect your coffee maker to your home’s wireless network. 

Although you cannot brew coffee in your Nespresso Vertuo Next with the app, connecting the machine to WiFi allows you to monitor various functions within your brewer and receive status updates.

After downloading the Nespresso app, simply follow the prompts to connect your Nespresso machine. 

The pairing sequence is extremely simple, and your machine will be connected in no time.

Do I Need to Connect My Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi?

Since you can’t brew coffee from the app, you might feel as though there’s no real reason to connect your Nespresso Vertuo Next to the internet.

However, the Vertuo Next’s WiFi capabilities are not null and void just because you cannot brew from the app.

Having the Nespresso app on your phone and keeping your Nespresso Vertuo Next connected to WiFi will ensure your coffee experience remains up to Nespresso’s standards.

When you connect your Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi, you can:

  • Factory reset your machine
  • Choose the hardness level of your water
  • Get notifications when your machine requires maintenance
  • Receive alerts regarding your machine and other Nespresso products

Staying connected to WiFi allows your Nespresso Vertuo Next to function at its maximum capability.

Connect Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi for Updated Functionality

If you are strictly concerned with brewing your coffee when you want it and worrying about other factors later, there is no real reason to connect your machine to WiFi.

However, with an advanced machine like a Nespresso Vertuo Next, it is better to know when something is wrong than to pay the price after the fact.

Connecting your Nespresso Vertuo Next to WiFi gives you a better opportunity to address and resolve issues within your machine. 

The biggest advantage is receiving notifications when your machine needs maintenance.

The Nespresso app is also extremely convenient when it comes to ordering more pods and finding help when you have a question about your machine.

With just a few clicks, you can have your favorite flavors shipped to your home or find the solution to a problem you are having with your coffee maker.

Why Can’t I Brew Coffee from the Nespresso App?

You cannot brew from the app immediately or schedule brewing times if you have any kind of Nespresso Vertuo model. 

This is because the feature is only currently available with the Nespresso Prodigio

With the Vertuo Next, you can only use Nespresso’s WiFi connectivity feature to update your brewer and learn about malfunctions with your machine. 

Which Nespresso Machines Allow You to Brew from the App?

The Nespresso Prodigio machine is the first – and the only – Nespresso machine that allows you to brew coffee from the app. 

Unfortunately, none of the Nespresso Vertuo models offer the brew-from-the-app option.

The Nespresso Prodigio offers much of the same user experience as the Nespresso Vertuo Next, in addition to the ability to brew from the app.

The Nespresso Prodigio is even slightly more affordable than the Vertuo Next. However, the Nespresso Vertuo Next is just as popular because of its reliability and features.

What Can I Do Through the Nespresso App?

Keeping your Nespresso Vertuo Next connected to WiFi will prevent unforeseen problems from circumstances involving a malfunction in your machine’s firmware.

You can also navigate the Nespresso app to order pods, explore coffee creations, or talk to Nespresso associates.

With your own Nespresso machine and pods shipped to your door, you no longer have to worry about how you will get your hands on a cup of coffee in the morning.

If you fear that there might be a problem with your Nespresso Vertuo Next, staying connected to WiFi will allow you to keep tabs on its condition.